What Legacy Will You Leave?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

In the scriptures we read about numerous examples of people who left great legacies. Names like Captain Moroni, Joseph Smith, the Apostle Paul and countless others bring to our minds recollections of the noble and valiant lives they lived. In the Book of Mormon, for example, the prophet Lehi and his son Nephi left such legacies. The names of Lehi and Nephi are mentioned over and over again in the Book of Mormon as prophets remembered and followed their great examples. As we read further into the Book of Mormon we even find that Helaman himself names his sons Lehi and Nephi so the righteous legacy of his forefathers could be remembered:

Heleman said to his humble sons "Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first parents who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were good." (Helaman 5:6)

How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to leave a legacy great enough that others would want to name their child after you? That's one amazing legacy to leave! We have eighteen months to two years to leave a legacy here on our missions. Let us be that missionary to whom missionaries in the present and the future look to as an example. We can be that missionary who leaves a path of righteousness, obedience, and diligence everywhere we go. We can decide now to leave a legacy that will be remembered forever.

The best way to know how to leave our greatest legacy is to look to our Savior Jesus Christ. The legacy He left exceeds all others. Jesus Christ's name is known and revered all over the world. He is remembered as one who was and is merciful, forgiving, and divine. His was the perfect legacy to leave. We can all strive to follow our Savior's example as we establish our own legacies. Of course, we will not be completely perfect as He was. However, we can always look to His perfect example and exert all our efforts to be the best servant God would have us be, then He will make up the difference.

Leaving a great legacy is not going to be easy! It will take stepping out of our comfort zone. It will take talking to EVERYONE we see. It will take letting go of our pride and handing our will over to God. Heavenly Father knows we can do it. He knows the amazing potential we have and He knows we can reach it.
So, the question for each of us to ponder is this:

What legacy will I leave?

The Straight-A Missionary

Friday, July 11, 2014

Imagine for a second that the Washington DC South Mission is a top-notch university, one that's been highly rated and known to be challenging. You've worked your entire life to accomplish what is needed to enter its doors and are elated when you receive your acceptance letter, stating that "you have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel". Before you start your first day, you do everything you can to prepare yourself for the curriculum that awaits you.

You find out that you have an excellent and experienced professor, President Matthew L. Riggs. A syllabus known as the Missionary Handbook is provided to help you know how to succeed and achieve desired grades. You receive two textbooks, Preach My Gospel and the Book of Mormon, to be your guides in this spiritual exploration. Lastly, you're given a structured class schedule that will increase your productivity and spiritual sensitivity as you follow it exactly.

Now that you're feeling more ready to finally begin your education, you try to figure out how you can obtain the highest GPA possible. Lucky for you, your professor has made a ironclad promise to all of his students - to receive straight A's, you MUST be obedient to the rigorous morning schedule:
1) Rise up early
2) Exercise
3) Effective studies

What are the benefits to starting your morning off as established by President Riggs or, more importantly, the Lord? Not only will there be physical effects (more energy and less stress), but the spiritual blessings from God are innumerable! Elder Russell M. Nelson said in the April 2014 General Conference, "Keeping divine commandments brings blessings every time. Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings every time." There is no question that when we choose to follow the schedule that's been set, we will prosper.

Take this moment to grade yourself: are YOU a straight-A missionary?

"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise" (D&C 82:10). When we willfully obey what the Lord would have us do, He is BOUND to bless our efforts. No matter what obstacles are thrown at us in our schooling, we will ALWAYS succeed simply because we have followed that morning schedule. It is important to remember that: "When obedience ceases to become an irritant and becomes our quest - at that moment God shall endow us with power" (President Ezra Taft Benson).

And though it seems that some difficult challenges may still arise, President Riggs assures us, "If you're a straight-A missionary, then it's not about working harder, but working smarter; not doing more, but getting more." As we couple our exact obedience with a reliance on the Spirit in our daily work, we will find increased success. Let us call down the powers of a heaven to discover where God truly wants us placed!

Consider what kind of missionary your mom thinks you are - a straight-A missionary! As we live worthily of the Lord's guidance by keeping His commandments, we will never have to worry if our best is enough.

Not Alone

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The best part of being a missionary is this: we are not alone in our callings! We have been given the Spirit, Christ's atonement, and companions to help. Alma and Amulek were a great companionship duo found in the Book of Mormon. They strengthened each other in times of difficulty, and testified of the truths that the other spoke. They kept each other in the work (like Elder Ballard taught our mission to do in May) and didn't settle for mediocrity.
In chapter 16 of the book of Alma, we read that they were not alone in their efforts. "...The Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming—That they might not be hardened against the word, that they might not be unbelieving, and go on to destruction, but that they might receive the word with joy, and as a branch be grafted into the true vine, that they might enter into the rest of the Lord their God (Alma 16:16,17)".

This promise applies to us in our mission as well. We have the sacred responsibility to bring our brothers and sisters into the true vine. The Lord has not abandoned us, and is working to soften the hearts of all we meet. Though He is going before us, it does not lessen our duty to open our mouths and testify. We won't know who is truly prepared to change unless we allow them the opportunity to do so. If we justify and think, "But that's just the way I am.." we are not allowing OURSELVES to trust that God can soften OUR hearts. He qualifies us to do His work.

Elder L.Tom Perry said, "We need to set our sights higher than we ever have before. The Lord expects it of us. We have to find a way to make it work." How can we better implement this counsel in our everyday missionary lives? The Lord has indeed set an expectation. He has let us know through our key holder, President Riggs, that we can baptize one person, per unit, per month. What more can we do to let this vision become reality?

Pray diligently to Heavenly Father. Let Him know how you feel. He listens. He loves. And when you let Him, He leads. Read the scriptures with a mind to learn. Be prepared in all things and trust that God will indeed put prepared people in the path of His prepared servants.