Ideal Lessons

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him." - President Thomas S. Monson

This quote describes the ONLY way the Lord's work can be hastened in these latter days - through members AND missionaries. Together we must be united in our efforts so that more of God's children can receive the blessings of the restored gospel. President Riggs (our mission president) prayed for a vision of how we as missionaries can best assist members in recognizing and acting upon missionary opportunities. We have implemented the following:

1) Member Revelation Question
Early in 2013, we followed a short spiritual thought with the specific (yet still inspired) question: What revelation have you received as to how we as missionaries can help you, your family, your friends, or your neighbors? This allowed the Spirit to press upon members' minds the names and faces of those that may be in need of a gospel message, a friendly visit, or even a service project from the elders or sisters. This was asked with the hopes of being a blessing to our members and their friends.

2) Member Invite
Months later, we increased our boldness by extending invitations for members to ACT. Whether it was giving a Book of Mormon to a friend or praying for missionary experiences in general, we prayerfully considered what to invite each member to do based on who they were working with or what their family mission plan entailed. We would then follow up with how the members kept each commitment and what miracles they saw from it.
3) Member Lesson
Preach My Gospel (page 161) tells missionaries, "Strengthening [the members'] understanding of the doctrine of Christ will do more to increase their trust in you and to build their excitement to do missionary work than anything else you can do". With this prophetic advice, we began meeting with each household in our areas to share the "doctrine of Christ" by teaching them the SAME lessons we teach our investigators. Through this, members can have the basic gospel principles fresh on their minds, allowing them to feel more prepared for when those missionary opportunities do come. After each lesson, we encourage members to continue making commitments and schedule return appointments for future lessons to be taught to them.

There have been countless blessings and miracles seen from these different approaches to working with members. OUR work has helped them do THEIR work and vice versa...

But now is the time to bridge the gap!

With all of these opportunities to be in members' homes, to build their trust, and to teach them the missionary lessons, we have ultimately been preparing the members to have us teach our investigators in their homes. This is what we call an "Ideal Lesson" - having the doctrine taught in the most spiritually-inviting environment. When someone is developing a testimony in a Christ-centered home, they are immediately establishing a connection with the members; forming a friendship that will help that investigator have a more meaningful conversion process. President Hinckley stated, "You have people in your wards who can be friends to every [investigator]. They can listen to them, guide them, answer their questions, and be there to help in all circumstances and in all conditions." Who is the Lord preparing you to be friends with today?

We invite ALL members to talk with the missionaries in their ward and be willing to host Ideal Lessons. By doing so, they will be involved in the teaching process, gain an increased desire to do missionary work, and be a true friend in welcoming the investigator into our Heavenly Father's beautiful fold.

Lose Yourself in LOVE

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

When you think of your service to God - whether you're wearing a black nametag or not - ask yourself, "What is my motivation?" Why do you do what you do? There are several reasons why we accept callings in the Church, share the gospel, or render service to others. If our motivation does not come from a pure, unfiltered love of God and His plan, then our service is in vain.

Christ himself is the perfect example of submitting to the Father's will in all things. "And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me (3 Nephi 27:14)". Charity is the pure love of Christ. We can pray for His love. Ask Heavenly Father for charity and see how your service changes before your eyes. Trust the Savior's advice that when you, "lose [your] life for His sake, [you] shall find it (Matthew 16:25)".

The sons of Mosiah gave themselves to much fasting and prayer (Alma 17:3) in order to strengthen themselves to share the gospel. They prepared their hearts and their minds to be aligned with the Lord. As they did this their desires changed. They became hyperfocused on teaching everyone the glorious news of the gospel. They saw everyone as a child of God and wanted each person to have an opportunity to change. "Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble (Mosiah 28:3)".

Because of the love that they had for God and their brethren, they went forward, despite the fear or worry that could have held them back. Their missionary service was not easy by any means; they faced prison, opposition, and depression. However, the perfect love that they had for God allowed them to move forward with faith.

"...I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear (Moroni 8:16)".

Decide now to become more like Jesus Christ. Let His love remove any doubt from your mind. See each person as the son or daughter of God that they are. Let LOVE be your motivation in all things. The Spirit will buoy you up and you will find that Heavenly Father is answering your prayers as you are being the answer to another's.

Braven Your Stride

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Video by: Washington DC South Mission | Music by: Sara Bareilles "Brave" 2013

It is a great thing to be a missionary. It is a great thing to serve our Savior. It is a great thing to teach people about the hopeful truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Knowing this as we do, what holds us back from bravening up and letting the words fall out?

The Book of Mormon is filled with examples of incredible missionaries - Ammon and his brothers, Abinadi, and Alma, are a few examples of those set apart with power and authority. They were filled with the Spirit to cry repentance. In all cases, they were not afraid of WHO they were speaking with. Whether they were teaching powerful kings over the wicked people in the land or testifying with boldness to those brought down to the depths of humility, they bravely fulfilled their promise to talk with everyone.

The Savior is grateful for His servants who obediently labor with Him. In the book of Helaman, Nephi receives these incredible words of acceptance from the Lord in the mission field, “Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. Thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.”

Nephi worked hard as a missionary, but most of all, HE FEARED NOT. How can we be like Nephi? With the hastening of the work, we as members and missionaries have taken the counsel of President Spencer W. Kimball and "lengthened our stride." As we move forward as God's army, are we confident in every stride to help others along the way? Are we opening our mouths and testifying? It is a brave thing to serve a mission. When we invite someone to hear the restored gospel we are being brave. Should we not now braven our stride and show our Father in Heaven that we don't take what we have for granted?

Sister Riggs (our dynamite mission mom) pumped us up this last round of zone conferences to be braver than we have been before. She encouraged us to break the norm. She taught us to love who we are and jump out of our comfort zones with confidence that the Lord will be right there to help. Just like the scripture above says, we can seek the Lord’s will above our own and be carried by His grace. Think to yourself, "When am I brave? What can I do today to show that I am willing to braven my stride?"

Continue to petition our Heavenly Father for bravery! Say what He would have you say, and be who He wants you to be. Keep testifying of the restored gospel. We will see miracles flourish before us.