Elder Kopischke Visit

Saturday, November 29, 2014


For missionaries, general authorities are even better than celebrities. With this in mind, it is easy to imagine the excitement we had to hear from Elder Erich W. Kopischke of the first quorum of the seventy. He spoke at two half mission conferences on Oct. 27 and 28 and a Mission Leadership Council (MLC) on Oct. 29. As he spoke, we were not only hearing from him but also from the Spirit of God as we received revelation for our own circumstances and areas.

Elder Kopischke is a master at being "led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which [he] should do." (1 Nephi 4:6). He led all meetings with an open question and answer format, teaching to the needs of the missionaries, using at least two scripture references to answer every question. He encouraged all missionaries to try an experiment: write down a question and listen for the spirit to answer throughout the conference. The experiment was a success; much revelation was received!

A Couple Highlights: 

The Faith Cycle 

Elder Kopischke explained that it is not always a lack of faith that leads to unmet goals. Sometimes it is God's will that we reach them; sometimes it is not. This discussion led to what Elder Kopishke calls the faith cycle. "Faith is a principle of action and power," as stated in Preach My Gospel page 116. Elder Kopischke used Alma 32 to expound on both the "power" and "action" parts of faith. Action is the part of faith that we control. We are not responsible for the outcome,but for the action that will lead to the outcome. Heavenly Father can choose to give us a miracle, but regardless, we must fulfill our part of the faith cycle. When we do all we can we should not be discouraged no matter the result. 

Doctrine Principle and Application

Elder Kopiske taught the difference and correlation between doctrines, principles and applications.He advised us to focus more on the Doctrine than on the Application. He mentioned that as we understand the "Why?" we will automatically find the out "How to." It is like that old saying, "Rather than instructing someone how to build a boat, teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." The doctrine is contained in the lessons we teach (The Plan of Salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ)! When we sub-categorize the doctrine, it is called a principle. Those principles lead us to take some form of action, which is the application. Although applications vary from area to area and mission to mission, the doctrine is always the same.

Zone Conference

Friday, November 14, 2014

In this past round of zone conferences we were blessed to hear the inspired words of many of our mission leaders. The addressed topics ranged from how to help investigators come to church, the importance of prayer, teaching by the Spirit, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was a Spirit-filled zone conference that helped us as missionaries to know how to better fulfill our purpose and how to strengthen our own testimonies.


One topic covered in zone conference was helping our investigators come to church. Oftentimes it is difficult for investigators to come to church due to work schedules, lack of transportation, feeling out of place, not knowing anyone, etc. We were taught that if we involve the ward council and explain the "why" behind coming to church, our investigators will have a greater ability and desire to come to church and receive the blessings that come from doing so.


 The importance of prayer was also stressed at zone conference. Because "no one can know spiritual truths without prayer", it is essential for our investigators to understand why we should pray and how to pray. Investigators must come to recognize the relationship they can have with God, in that He is their Father in Heaven and He wants to hear what they have to say. They also need to know how to follow Christ's example by praying in the correct format. The importance of saying kneeling prayers with our investigators was stressed as a way to show even more respect and devotion to our Father in Heaven.


In Preach my Gospel, there is an entire chapter dedicated to recognizing the Spirit. Sister Riggs helped to remind us of how vital it is gain revelation from the Spirit in our daily work as missionaries. She focused on the word "vital" as a distinct indicator of the importance of the Spirit When someone goes into the emergency room, their vitals are immediately taken. Without regulated vital signs, things can go seriously wrong. In the words of Sister Riggs, "We're dead without them!". The same goes to having the Spirit with us when we teach. We MUST teach by the Spirit if we want to help people become truly converted to the gospel of Christ. Teaching by the Spirit comes as we take the time to prepare and as we are "light on our feet" during lessons, meaning we are willing and ready to go whatever direction the Holy Ghost points us.


President Riggs centered some of his words on a promise found in Preach my Gospel. That promise is as follows: "As your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ grows, your desire to share the gospel will increase" (PMG p. 2). After attending a mission presidents' seminar in which Elder Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, President Riggs felt prompted to share some of his words and thoughts with us. President Riggs taught us that it is crucial that we teach the "why" behind the Atonement. This leads us back to the Fall of Adam and Eve. As missionaries, we need to clearly teach the Fall in order for people to understand the power and necessity of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, His dying on the cross, and His resurrection three days later, we would never be able to overcome the consequences of the Fall and return to live with our Father in Heaven again. Those consequences being separation from God and our eventual physical deaths. Without the merciful Atonement of Jesus Christ, justice would overtake any chance we had to live with God again. Without the Atonement, we would become angels to the the devil! What an amazing gift that Jesus Christ has given us.

Day to Serve

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Annual Tri-State Day to Serve Event provided opportunities for missionaries and members of the church in our mission to unite with the community in an effort to serve those in need. 

Lasting from Sept. 11 to Sept. 28, the Day to Serve consisted of many events varying from location to location. Here are some ways in which our mission participated:

Group picture of those who helped to beautify the Boston-Hoffman school
People in the Arlington area cleaned up the surroundings of three elementary schools by picking up fall leaves. Sister McKenna was excited because she got to clean around the 9/11 memorial at the Boston-Hoffman school. She said it was a great community event and that it helped the principals at the schools to want to learn more about the Latter-Day Saints. 

Sister Clegg and a little girl have fun while serving
Sister Clegg, serving in the Mananas second ward, participated by cleaning graves in the  Bradley Cemetery. Her favorite part was seeing the children in her ward involved in service. The six and seven year old girls were in charge of cleaning the head stones with the help of adult leaders. The leaders shared how this was an act of service that they would always remember. 
Bishops, President of Mount Vernon Stake, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and others gather in service
The Mount Vernon Zone and the members who attend the Mount Vernon building assisted the Heritage Presbyterian Church in putting together meal kits and hygiene kits for needy children. Elder Liddiard said the favorite part of all who attended was being part of something that helped others who were in need. 

Ideal Studies

Friday, October 3, 2014

In our most recent zone training, we were privileged to hear the counsel given to us from the Lord through our mission president. A significant portion of the zone training was focused on having ideal studies. As missionaries, we are blessed with 2 hours of study time every morning. Sometimes the duration is increased to 3 or 4 hours when a missionary is in training or learning a language. Within this study time we strive to strengthen our testimonies and knowledge of the gospel, we prepare to teach the people we are working with, and we work on developing our teaching skills as missionaries. With all this time available to study, how do we make it effective?

President and Sister Riggs answered this question by advising us to "study in the name of Jesus Christ." Just as we do when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, studying in the name of Jesus Christ involves handing our will over to Him. The Bible Dictionary definition of the word "prayer" reads, "We pray in Christ’s name when our mind is the mind of Christ, and our wishes the wishes of Christ--when His words abide in us" (BD, p. 707). The same applies to studying in the name of Jesus Christ. When we study in the name of Jesus Christ we put our heart and mind into our studies, we fully intend to act upon the things we study, and we strive to learn simply in order to strengthen our own and others' testimonies. In Preach My Gospel chapter 2 it states, "Getting good results from your study depends on having a strong desire to learn, studying with 'real intent' (Moroni 10:4), 'hungering and thirsting after righteousness' (Matthew 5:6), and searching for answers to your investigators' questions and concerns" (PMG p. 17).

A crucial aspect of effective studies is starting and ending in prayer. Praying brings the Holy Ghost into our studies. We learn in the scriptures that the Holy Ghost "shall teach [us] all things and brings all things to [our] remembrance" (John 14:26). Having that Spirit with us as we study is crucial for us to learn and remember all things God would have us know to be prepared missionaries. It is also important to ponder  upon the things we study. To ponder means to think about something carefully. In Doctrine and Covenants section 138, Joseph F. Smith wrote that he "pondered" and "reflected" over the scriptures. This pondering led President Smith to receive important revelation from Heavenly Father about the spirit world. We, too, can receive revelation for ourselves regarding those we teach as we ponder the things we study.
We have been commanded in the scriptures to "Feast upon the words of Christ" (2 Nephi 31:20). Our daily studies give us that opportunity to delve into the teachings of Jesus Christ and His prophets. As we are on our missions acting as Jesus Christ's representatives, we can strive to do our best to make our studies effective by truly studying in His name. As we continue to learn about our Savior and his teachings, we can take the habits and techniques we have gained on our missions and use them for the rest of our lives. We should never stop learning and our testimonies never need to stop growing!

Zone Conference (August 2014)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

This past transfer, we had the privilege of learning from our leaders once again. We were taught an array of subjects, ranging from the Doctrine of Christ to inviting people to be baptized on a specific date. But any missionary can tell you what the overall theme of this Zone Conference was: The Spirit.


How do we RECEIVE the Spirit?

President Riggs reminded us that we may be given the gift of the Holy Ghost after baptism, but to receive the Holy Ghost is an "ongoing command". We learn from 2 Nephi 31:13 that certain steps must be taken in order to have the Spirit with us:

"...I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent... then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost..."

We must first "follow the Son, with full purpose of heart", but how can we do this? How do we know that we are choosing to following Christ with our WHOLE heart? When speaking at a Mission President Seminar, Elder Bednar taught the heart is the "sum total of our desires, affections, intentions, motives, and attitudes." As we personally reflect on each of those thoughts and feelings, we will know just how committed we are to our Savior.


What exactly is "real intent"?

To have "real intent" is to intend to act on the answer that we receive from God, whether or not it is an answer we're expecting or desiring. To have real intent is to submit our will to God and trust in Him completely. As we choose to live our lives in such a way, we will be receiving the Spirit continually! 2 Nephi 33:1 states: "...when a man speaketh‍ by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men." The Holy Ghost only has the ability to come unto our hearts; we have real intent as we let Him into our hearts.  


How does the Spirit work within us?

President Packer reminds us that: “The voice of the Spirit is described in the scriptures as being neither ‘loud’ nor ‘harsh.’ It is ‘not a voice of thunder, neither voice of a great tumultuous noise.’ But rather, ‘a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper,’ and it can ‘pierce even to the very soul’ and ‘cause [the heart] to burn.’" As we pray and study our scriptures daily, we must be searching for these whisperings of the Spirit.

We are able to do this as we take time to PONDER. President Joseph F. Smith was an excellent example of this: "...I sat in my room pondering‍ over the scriptures; and reflecting‍ upon the great atoning sacrifice‍ that was made by the Son of God, for the redemption‍ of the world..." (Doctrine and Covenants 138:1-2). We are promised that as we set aside time to ponder and reflect, the Spirit will touch our hearts and teach us truth.

President Riggs assured us that we may feel the Spirit prompt us to do something that we don't understand. And He may even prompt us to do something that ultimately doesn't work out! Elder Robert C. Gay tells us in the September 2014 Ensign: "Don’t fret at how irrational the voice of the Spirit may seem. God is in control and knows what is necessary and right. Always be guided by the Holy Ghost." Thus as full-time missionaries or even member missionaries, we will be blessed when we rely on the Spirit by "letting go and letting GOD!"

Nationals Game: Book of Mormon Blitz

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


The Washington DC South and DC North missionaries had the privilege of attending this year's Day to Serve Night at the Park. Our attendance last year gave us the opportunity to put our name badges out there and to talk to people about what we do, which is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and SERVE!

This year, our mission initiated a "Book of Mormon Blitz", where we each planned to hand out at least one Book of Mormon either on the way to the stadium or on the way home. Here are the experiences of some of our missionaries:

"When we got on the metro I looked around for an empty seat next to someone I could talk to. I saw this guy who had his hood on and was playing on his phone. I was nervous that he wouldn't talk to me because he looked so closed off. We started talking and told me a lot about himself. He almost died when he was little, he's Christian, wants to be a cop, and wasn't planning on getting on the Metro that night, but he did. I know it is because we were supposed to meet and I told him that. I gave him a Book of Mormon and told him a little about it. He was super excited to read it. I also had him add me as a friend on Facebook so I could answer any questions he had and help him find the missionaries in his area. This morning when I checked my Facebook he had posted that he has decided to become a Latter-day Saint! He is awesome." - Sister Jillynn Christensen

"It was incredible to see so many missionaries at the metro all geared up and ready to talk to the vast amounts of people headed to the game. Looking ahead I could see several missionaries distributing copies of the Book of Mormon, pass along cards, and pamphlets with the new friends they met. We arrived at the first metro stop and people quickly departed off the metro.  The metro cars where left fairly empty since most people were headed to the game but as it pulled away I saw something that left a picture in my mind that will last forever.  The metro was passing and through the window I glanced and saw a girl sitting by herself flipping through her newly given Book of Mormon.  In my mind time froze as I thought about the wonderful opportunity we have as missionaries to make a difference. I don't know what is in her future, neither does the missionary that gave her the book. The one who does know is God and the brief moment she spent with that missionary may have been the start of a new life for her, a happier life, a life with the fullness of gospel. It was incredible for me to step back and think about how the small and simple things make the biggest difference, and often times we will never truly know the impact we make as we fulfill our purpose as representatives of Jesus Christ." - Sister Courtney Lamborn

"So we were riding home and I really wanted to give out the Book of Mormon I had. A lady came on next to where I was standing. I kept thinking I should talk to her, but I didn't know how to start. So I just said, "That's a cool necklace," and BAM! I got to start talking with her. She is from Belgium and works in advertising, and wants to get into international business. I continued to talk with her and got to know her more. She started asking questions about all the missionaries she saw on the metro, so I explained what it is we do and what we taught. Later her friend, whom some other Sisters were talking to, came over and didn't acknowledge me much. But cool thing! She continued to keep me in the conversation! So we got to the last stop where we were all getting off and I asked her if I could give her something. I explained how the Book of Mormon has helped me and changed my life, and that I would love to give it to her. She said sure! Then my companion asked her friend if she wanted one, and she said yes! We were able to give away TWO Books of Mormon!!! It was an amazing experience to feel the spirit guide me as I got to know her." - Sister Cherise Wright

"My companion and I both gave out Books of Mormon on the metro! I was so worried that I wouldn't find anyone to accept my copy while we were riding on our short metro commute to the ball park. I prayed to find someone who I would recognize was prepared to receive the Book of Mormon. The metro was packed and so I was standing close to a girl with head phones in. I complimented her shirt (which was actually her work uniform so she just laughed at me) but we got to talking and she told me that she was going to college and had been living with  her boyfriend since February. We only had two stops but I told her I was in the same phase of life as her and wanted to give her something that had helped me make decisions and receive answers to questions I had. I gave her the Book of Mormon and we had to get off before the doors shut but she was so grateful and looked really touched! God will always provide a way if we show him we are willing to act upon his promptings!" - Sister Hayley Taylor

"Elder Brooksby and myself decided to park and walk around a little before we headed toward the game, so we said a prayer in the car before we got out and asked to be lead to those who our last two copies of the Book of Mormon were for. After our prayer we got out and started walking and not even 45 seconds from the time we left the car, this man pulled up to us and started talking to us about the Koran and how we needed to read it and how it would bless our lives. After he was done we started to talk to him about our beliefs and how we know that the Book of Mormon is scripture given to us to help come even closer to God than any other book on the earth, he said he would like one so we gave him one and invited him to read it :)" - Elder Andre Gleave
''On the way to the game I sat by this woman who was heading to Maryland to be with her boyfriend. We talked and talked about her life and from the conversation we had it was easily directed to the topic of faith. We talked a lot about having Faith in Jesus Christ and read a few verses in the Book of Mormon. She thankfully accepted. The next miracle was on the way home from the Metro. I ended up sitting by this man who loved to talk about religion. He told me that his dad converted to the LDS church a little over a year ago. He was discouraged because he told me that the missionaries were pressuring him to get baptized. We talked a lot about faith and baptism and now he will be more open to meeting with the missionaries. I have contact with both of them so you all will be updated with the miracles!'' - Sister Kelsey Smith
''On the way to the Metro, as we were leaving our car we opened the trunk and looked at the Books of Mormon available. My companion put two English copies in her bag, and I put in two as well, but then hesitated as I looked at the box that held the various copies. I pulled out a Simplified Chinese Book of Mormon. "Just in case," I said and placed it in my book bag. On our way home from the game, my companion saw an open seat on the metro next to someone and sat down. This time she was too tired to let fear or second thoughts hesitate her action. "Coming back from the game?" She asked. "No, just finishing up work." He responded. Conversation began and she learned that he was from China. With a small smile, she used what little Chinese she knew and asked him what his name was. He smiled approvingly and responded "Steven." For the next few minutes he taught her how to write a few characters in Chinese which she thoroughly appreciated. With only moments left, I asked if I could share the Book of Mormon with him and testified of how it had blessed my life. He accepted it gratefully and was lost in the crowd of departing people. Tired, we reoriented ourselves and started up an escalator to return home. But what to our surprise our saw Steven! He held the Book of Mormon and asked a question, "What makes this book different from the Bible?" With joy, we told him about it being a record of ancient America, bore our testimonies briefly, and gave him a mormon.org card with our number on it.'' - Sister Melissa Butts

What Legacy Will You Leave?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

In the scriptures we read about numerous examples of people who left great legacies. Names like Captain Moroni, Joseph Smith, the Apostle Paul and countless others bring to our minds recollections of the noble and valiant lives they lived. In the Book of Mormon, for example, the prophet Lehi and his son Nephi left such legacies. The names of Lehi and Nephi are mentioned over and over again in the Book of Mormon as prophets remembered and followed their great examples. As we read further into the Book of Mormon we even find that Helaman himself names his sons Lehi and Nephi so the righteous legacy of his forefathers could be remembered:

Heleman said to his humble sons "Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first parents who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were good." (Helaman 5:6)

How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to leave a legacy great enough that others would want to name their child after you? That's one amazing legacy to leave! We have eighteen months to two years to leave a legacy here on our missions. Let us be that missionary to whom missionaries in the present and the future look to as an example. We can be that missionary who leaves a path of righteousness, obedience, and diligence everywhere we go. We can decide now to leave a legacy that will be remembered forever.

The best way to know how to leave our greatest legacy is to look to our Savior Jesus Christ. The legacy He left exceeds all others. Jesus Christ's name is known and revered all over the world. He is remembered as one who was and is merciful, forgiving, and divine. His was the perfect legacy to leave. We can all strive to follow our Savior's example as we establish our own legacies. Of course, we will not be completely perfect as He was. However, we can always look to His perfect example and exert all our efforts to be the best servant God would have us be, then He will make up the difference.

Leaving a great legacy is not going to be easy! It will take stepping out of our comfort zone. It will take talking to EVERYONE we see. It will take letting go of our pride and handing our will over to God. Heavenly Father knows we can do it. He knows the amazing potential we have and He knows we can reach it.
So, the question for each of us to ponder is this:

What legacy will I leave?

The Straight-A Missionary

Friday, July 11, 2014

Imagine for a second that the Washington DC South Mission is a top-notch university, one that's been highly rated and known to be challenging. You've worked your entire life to accomplish what is needed to enter its doors and are elated when you receive your acceptance letter, stating that "you have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel". Before you start your first day, you do everything you can to prepare yourself for the curriculum that awaits you.

You find out that you have an excellent and experienced professor, President Matthew L. Riggs. A syllabus known as the Missionary Handbook is provided to help you know how to succeed and achieve desired grades. You receive two textbooks, Preach My Gospel and the Book of Mormon, to be your guides in this spiritual exploration. Lastly, you're given a structured class schedule that will increase your productivity and spiritual sensitivity as you follow it exactly.

Now that you're feeling more ready to finally begin your education, you try to figure out how you can obtain the highest GPA possible. Lucky for you, your professor has made a ironclad promise to all of his students - to receive straight A's, you MUST be obedient to the rigorous morning schedule:
1) Rise up early
2) Exercise
3) Effective studies

What are the benefits to starting your morning off as established by President Riggs or, more importantly, the Lord? Not only will there be physical effects (more energy and less stress), but the spiritual blessings from God are innumerable! Elder Russell M. Nelson said in the April 2014 General Conference, "Keeping divine commandments brings blessings every time. Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings every time." There is no question that when we choose to follow the schedule that's been set, we will prosper.

Take this moment to grade yourself: are YOU a straight-A missionary?

"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise" (D&C 82:10). When we willfully obey what the Lord would have us do, He is BOUND to bless our efforts. No matter what obstacles are thrown at us in our schooling, we will ALWAYS succeed simply because we have followed that morning schedule. It is important to remember that: "When obedience ceases to become an irritant and becomes our quest - at that moment God shall endow us with power" (President Ezra Taft Benson).

And though it seems that some difficult challenges may still arise, President Riggs assures us, "If you're a straight-A missionary, then it's not about working harder, but working smarter; not doing more, but getting more." As we couple our exact obedience with a reliance on the Spirit in our daily work, we will find increased success. Let us call down the powers of a heaven to discover where God truly wants us placed!

Consider what kind of missionary your mom thinks you are - a straight-A missionary! As we live worthily of the Lord's guidance by keeping His commandments, we will never have to worry if our best is enough.

Not Alone

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The best part of being a missionary is this: we are not alone in our callings! We have been given the Spirit, Christ's atonement, and companions to help. Alma and Amulek were a great companionship duo found in the Book of Mormon. They strengthened each other in times of difficulty, and testified of the truths that the other spoke. They kept each other in the work (like Elder Ballard taught our mission to do in May) and didn't settle for mediocrity.
In chapter 16 of the book of Alma, we read that they were not alone in their efforts. "...The Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming—That they might not be hardened against the word, that they might not be unbelieving, and go on to destruction, but that they might receive the word with joy, and as a branch be grafted into the true vine, that they might enter into the rest of the Lord their God (Alma 16:16,17)".

This promise applies to us in our mission as well. We have the sacred responsibility to bring our brothers and sisters into the true vine. The Lord has not abandoned us, and is working to soften the hearts of all we meet. Though He is going before us, it does not lessen our duty to open our mouths and testify. We won't know who is truly prepared to change unless we allow them the opportunity to do so. If we justify and think, "But that's just the way I am.." we are not allowing OURSELVES to trust that God can soften OUR hearts. He qualifies us to do His work.

Elder L.Tom Perry said, "We need to set our sights higher than we ever have before. The Lord expects it of us. We have to find a way to make it work." How can we better implement this counsel in our everyday missionary lives? The Lord has indeed set an expectation. He has let us know through our key holder, President Riggs, that we can baptize one person, per unit, per month. What more can we do to let this vision become reality?

Pray diligently to Heavenly Father. Let Him know how you feel. He listens. He loves. And when you let Him, He leads. Read the scriptures with a mind to learn. Be prepared in all things and trust that God will indeed put prepared people in the path of His prepared servants.

Ideal Lessons

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him." - President Thomas S. Monson

This quote describes the ONLY way the Lord's work can be hastened in these latter days - through members AND missionaries. Together we must be united in our efforts so that more of God's children can receive the blessings of the restored gospel. President Riggs (our mission president) prayed for a vision of how we as missionaries can best assist members in recognizing and acting upon missionary opportunities. We have implemented the following:

1) Member Revelation Question
Early in 2013, we followed a short spiritual thought with the specific (yet still inspired) question: What revelation have you received as to how we as missionaries can help you, your family, your friends, or your neighbors? This allowed the Spirit to press upon members' minds the names and faces of those that may be in need of a gospel message, a friendly visit, or even a service project from the elders or sisters. This was asked with the hopes of being a blessing to our members and their friends.

2) Member Invite
Months later, we increased our boldness by extending invitations for members to ACT. Whether it was giving a Book of Mormon to a friend or praying for missionary experiences in general, we prayerfully considered what to invite each member to do based on who they were working with or what their family mission plan entailed. We would then follow up with how the members kept each commitment and what miracles they saw from it.
3) Member Lesson
Preach My Gospel (page 161) tells missionaries, "Strengthening [the members'] understanding of the doctrine of Christ will do more to increase their trust in you and to build their excitement to do missionary work than anything else you can do". With this prophetic advice, we began meeting with each household in our areas to share the "doctrine of Christ" by teaching them the SAME lessons we teach our investigators. Through this, members can have the basic gospel principles fresh on their minds, allowing them to feel more prepared for when those missionary opportunities do come. After each lesson, we encourage members to continue making commitments and schedule return appointments for future lessons to be taught to them.

There have been countless blessings and miracles seen from these different approaches to working with members. OUR work has helped them do THEIR work and vice versa...

But now is the time to bridge the gap!

With all of these opportunities to be in members' homes, to build their trust, and to teach them the missionary lessons, we have ultimately been preparing the members to have us teach our investigators in their homes. This is what we call an "Ideal Lesson" - having the doctrine taught in the most spiritually-inviting environment. When someone is developing a testimony in a Christ-centered home, they are immediately establishing a connection with the members; forming a friendship that will help that investigator have a more meaningful conversion process. President Hinckley stated, "You have people in your wards who can be friends to every [investigator]. They can listen to them, guide them, answer their questions, and be there to help in all circumstances and in all conditions." Who is the Lord preparing you to be friends with today?

We invite ALL members to talk with the missionaries in their ward and be willing to host Ideal Lessons. By doing so, they will be involved in the teaching process, gain an increased desire to do missionary work, and be a true friend in welcoming the investigator into our Heavenly Father's beautiful fold.

Lose Yourself in LOVE

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

When you think of your service to God - whether you're wearing a black nametag or not - ask yourself, "What is my motivation?" Why do you do what you do? There are several reasons why we accept callings in the Church, share the gospel, or render service to others. If our motivation does not come from a pure, unfiltered love of God and His plan, then our service is in vain.

Christ himself is the perfect example of submitting to the Father's will in all things. "And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me (3 Nephi 27:14)". Charity is the pure love of Christ. We can pray for His love. Ask Heavenly Father for charity and see how your service changes before your eyes. Trust the Savior's advice that when you, "lose [your] life for His sake, [you] shall find it (Matthew 16:25)".

The sons of Mosiah gave themselves to much fasting and prayer (Alma 17:3) in order to strengthen themselves to share the gospel. They prepared their hearts and their minds to be aligned with the Lord. As they did this their desires changed. They became hyperfocused on teaching everyone the glorious news of the gospel. They saw everyone as a child of God and wanted each person to have an opportunity to change. "Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble (Mosiah 28:3)".

Because of the love that they had for God and their brethren, they went forward, despite the fear or worry that could have held them back. Their missionary service was not easy by any means; they faced prison, opposition, and depression. However, the perfect love that they had for God allowed them to move forward with faith.

"...I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear (Moroni 8:16)".

Decide now to become more like Jesus Christ. Let His love remove any doubt from your mind. See each person as the son or daughter of God that they are. Let LOVE be your motivation in all things. The Spirit will buoy you up and you will find that Heavenly Father is answering your prayers as you are being the answer to another's.

Braven Your Stride

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Video by: Washington DC South Mission | Music by: Sara Bareilles "Brave" 2013

It is a great thing to be a missionary. It is a great thing to serve our Savior. It is a great thing to teach people about the hopeful truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Knowing this as we do, what holds us back from bravening up and letting the words fall out?

The Book of Mormon is filled with examples of incredible missionaries - Ammon and his brothers, Abinadi, and Alma, are a few examples of those set apart with power and authority. They were filled with the Spirit to cry repentance. In all cases, they were not afraid of WHO they were speaking with. Whether they were teaching powerful kings over the wicked people in the land or testifying with boldness to those brought down to the depths of humility, they bravely fulfilled their promise to talk with everyone.

The Savior is grateful for His servants who obediently labor with Him. In the book of Helaman, Nephi receives these incredible words of acceptance from the Lord in the mission field, “Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. Thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.”

Nephi worked hard as a missionary, but most of all, HE FEARED NOT. How can we be like Nephi? With the hastening of the work, we as members and missionaries have taken the counsel of President Spencer W. Kimball and "lengthened our stride." As we move forward as God's army, are we confident in every stride to help others along the way? Are we opening our mouths and testifying? It is a brave thing to serve a mission. When we invite someone to hear the restored gospel we are being brave. Should we not now braven our stride and show our Father in Heaven that we don't take what we have for granted?

Sister Riggs (our dynamite mission mom) pumped us up this last round of zone conferences to be braver than we have been before. She encouraged us to break the norm. She taught us to love who we are and jump out of our comfort zones with confidence that the Lord will be right there to help. Just like the scripture above says, we can seek the Lord’s will above our own and be carried by His grace. Think to yourself, "When am I brave? What can I do today to show that I am willing to braven my stride?"

Continue to petition our Heavenly Father for bravery! Say what He would have you say, and be who He wants you to be. Keep testifying of the restored gospel. We will see miracles flourish before us.

Elder Ballard Conference

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Last weekend, we had the opportunity to attend a tri-mission conference held at the Stake Center adjacent to the Washington DC Temple. The missionaries in attendance hailed from the Washington DC North and South Missions and the Baltimore Maryland Mission. We had the pleasure of hearing from: 

Elder Chi Hong (Sam) Wong, of the First Quorum of the Seventy
Elder Wong first addressed us, and focused on the importance of members as we seek to help "the one". He paralleled how our missionary work should function similar to the miracle found in Mark 2, where Christ heals the man with palsy. The four people that together carry this man to Jesus can represent some of the auxiliary members in Ward Council, such as the Elders Quorum President, Relief Society President, Young Men or Young Women Presidents, and of course, the missionary. In order for the full weight of that man to be lifted successfully, ALL four people needed to act in UNISON. If one were to fall or not be included, the one in need of assistance would not make it to His Master. Elder Wong quoted Mark 2:5, "When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee." Christ desired the faith of all four members, not just the faith of the one being healed. For a true miracle to occur, let us all be faithful and equally yoked so that we can bring more of God's children to Christ!

President L. Whitney Clayton, of the Presidency of the Seventy

We then heard from Elder Clayton, who expounded on the powerful statement heard by the young boy, Joseph Smith: "This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him." Though God was specifically talking to Joseph at that sacred time, Heavenly Father continues to invite ALL of us to, "Hear Him". As missionaries, we "Hear Him" when we choose to be exactly obedient and heed the counsel of the bishops (and mission president) we serve under. The people we teach "Hear Him" as they open their hearts and minds to the Spirit and let the words we speak encourage them to change. 
Elder Clayton acknowledges that following Christ and His teachings has “never been easy." However, we have the most important thing in the world! And we know that with His help, it will change people… one person at a time.  

Elder M. Russell Ballard, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Finally, Elder Ballard started his straightforward address by stating, "We've got to baptize more people." He gave us two suggestions on how to do that:

1) Talk to more people. He commissioned each missionary to speak with at least 10 people a day. This number is independent of appointments, lessons, or tracting. Just sharing the great message of the gospel with everyone! He said we shouldn't be lulled in by the rescue or the focus on member work. Helping those that are less-active shouldn't slow down our own finding. And if we get referrals from the ward, consider it a bonus! With our companions: we must keep each other in the work. Walk together, watch together and look for opportunities to share. If we desire to be better teachers, Elder Ballard advises us to, "Get somebody to teach. Never have a day you don't teach."
2) Do they REALLY understand the message? We don't need to have so much chatting or questions about their interests beforehand. He said, "Just ask questions about what you taught. May we have a word of prayer? Let us tell you who Christ is; how He taught, and how His Church was lost and then restored." We are taking these friends on a great journey. Sympathize, empathize, and be REAL. When we do these things, we allow the Spirit to be the TRUE teacher. Elder Ballard reminds us, "Conversion or reactivation ALWAYS starts with what people feel. Not what they know."

If we come to a point of any hesitancy, just think of Gethsemane. Elder Ballard carries a picture of the Savior with Him and when He needs help, he looks at it! He boldly declared, "This is not Gethsemane to me - it's a privilege to preach His gospel." He gave us a special blessing on our families and invited us to do more than we ever thought we had capacity to do. He invited us to CHANGE. "When? Today. Why? Because we've been together. Champion His cause." Let us be excited to fight for Him - after all, we're on the winning team!

Zone Conference For You (May 2014)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

In our mission, every other transfer (roughly every three months) we have the opportunity to meet together for Zone Conferences. This is a great opportunity for every zone in the mission to receive training from our mission president, mission mom, assistants to the president; as well as the zone leaders and sister training leaders respective to that geographic area.

Each zone is taught the same overall content, while still receiving the material in a way that's guided by the Spirit for the specific needs of those missionaries in that particular meeting.

President Riggs taught us the importance of owning our area. We only have one chance to set a good first impression. Without us missionaries our friends won't know the truth. Don't tell yourself that another missionary after you will handle it, or that person on the street will have their chance to accept the gospel in the next life. We have the answers for them here and now! We learn in Doctrine and Covenants 123:12-13 that they are, "...kept from the truth because they know not where to find it—therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness..." We MUST own our areas in order to illuminate the lives of those around us. Let's take control. Teach them true doctrine and invite them to repent. President encouraged us, "Let them know they can trust you. Let them know that YOU are a servant of God." 

This trust is especially crucial with our ward members. It is in this unified effort that the Lord expects His work to be done. We build that trust and work best with members by teaching them the message of the restored gospel. "Strengthening their understanding of the doctrine of Christ will do more to increase their trust in you and to build their excitement to do missionary work than anything else you can do (Preach My Gospel, pg 161)". Teaching them will do more than anything else we can do! Missionaries, are you working with your members? Members, are you feeling the spirit of missionary work in your homes as the missionaries come by? When we come, our objective is to have powerful, revelatory interactions that renew all of our desires to share His gospel, while respecting the Lord's time and the time of those we teach

Every lesson - whether we're teaching a non-member, member, or less-active should begin with the How to Begin Teaching points found in chapter 10 of Preach My Gospel (pg 175). These are here for us to use. They help us 1) identify ourselves as representatives of Jesus Christ, 2) establish expectations for both parties, and above all, 3) invite the Spirit. When a missionary builds a relationship of love and trust (BLT) with those they teach they are more successful in helping them on their personal journey home to our Heavenly Father.

Are we doing enough? Are we following-up with our friends that we are inviting to change? Without follow-up, an invite is useless. Commitment: obligating oneself to a course of action and then diligently following through on that decision. When we are committed to our friends and their progression in the gospel, we are more bold in our invitations; we truly desire for them to keep their commitments and move towards eternal life (PMG, pg 195). Pray for help from our Heavenly Father to find those ready to change.